Catching Clouds
- Originality:
What is original about your game?
You play as a floofy boi bein' chased by thunder bois
- Technical Merit:
What is interesting about your game technology?
Thunder bois will only chase you when you move. Similarily, you will only receive points if you move.
It's interesting in that it can be played fast-paced or slow and strategic.
- Prototype Postmortem:
What did you learn from this prototype?
What was the easiest or hardest part of making it?
Easiest: thinking of the concept
Hardest: implementing it, as always - specifically dealing with camera tracking
- Prototype Assets:
Did you make your prototype assets from scratch? Did you borrow them? Cite your sources here.
- Prototype Closest Other Game:
It is somewhat similar to
- High Concept:
You play as a "woke" cloud trying to maxemize its floof.
Meanwhile, floof-lacking thunder bois are quite jealous and very angry!
Avoid thunder bois - one touch and they'll infect you with that bad mojo!
- Theme:
Non sequitur
- Mandated Variety:
Input: Mouse
Randomness: a little bit random, mostly deterministic
Play styles: joker
Genre: survival
- Prototype Goal:
Camera tracking
- Player Experience Goals:
Goofs and gaffs!
- Gameplay:
Use the mouse to left click on where you want your floofy boi to move to.
Hold the left click down to keep moving.
You score points as you move, but make sure to avoid thunder bois that chase you while you move!
Grab floofy clouds to amass more points and increase your score multiplier.
Careful though, clouds will make you bigger (up to a maximum size), but gethering them will also make you a lot faster and the thunder bois a little faster.
- Strategies:
Edges are very dangerous; thunder bois spawn near them. Try to play in the center.
At bigger sizes it is best to take the game a little slower. Let go of the left click button, and ponder your next move.
- Story/Setting/Premise:
You are the "woke" cloud. Clouds are to blow in the breeze, but not you! You control your own breeze (and destiny).
Grab your fellow floofy companions, and set sail! But do be cautious, for dangerous thunder bois lurk about.
- Target Audience:
Casual players that want to play an easy to pick up and put down game to kill time.
- Play Time:
There is no (winning) end game, so it can be as long/short as you want.